Resource Centres


There are several local resources centres supported by the Diocese of Rochester. They are set up to help you, so do make use of them.

EDYTa RESOURCE CENTRE, St. Martin’s Church, Erith Road, Bexleyheath.

St. Stephen’s Tonbridge. 01732 771977

DIOCESAN RESOURCE CENTRE, In the Diocesan Office, St. Nicholas Church, Boley Hill,
Rochester. Contact Sarah Cabella for checking availability and booking on 01634 560024

You can also hire BREATHE from them.

What is breathe?
Breathe is a resource for the spiritual development of 16-19 year olds, encouraging them to explore and consider themes of belief, journey and values through a series of interactive, experiential meditations and activities.

Using an iPod, students follow 12 short mp3s with corresponding activities to guide their thinking. The tracks ask questions about self, individuality and identity, other people, interdependence and global community, creation, environmental issues and future, and God, Jesus and prayer. These, along with the simple practical tasks, make breathe an ideal resource for all types of learner, providing something to satisfy the visual, audio and kinaesthetic minds.

Whilst the meditation texts offer a Christian perspective on these questions, the resource is designed for use in a multi-faith environment, taking care not to offend, nor enforce beliefs on anyone who may use it. Students of all faiths and none will find breathe to be a refreshing and challenging opportunity to stop and reflect on their life, values and beliefs.

Contact Sarah Cabella 01634 560024 or click here.